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Our WHY is your Productivity AND Happiness

Achieving an optimal balance of Productivity AND Happiness is what everybody wants. But this is not  easy to achieve!

Real Productivity AND Happiness requires that people do their job well AND enjoy it.

Only if the individual Resources and Talents of a person fit the Job, the Leader, the Team and the Company the ideal conditions are achieved.

Finding and using a person’s inner treasure is described in a philosophical and wonderfully understandable way in the world’s all-time best-selling novella by Paulo Coelho, «The Alchemist».

In this story, the Andalusian shepherd Santiago dreams of a treasure near the pyramids..

To find it, he sells his sheep and sets out on the torturous Journey through North Africa …

The «Treasure» Experience is about people recognising their individual Resources and Talents as their own true inner treasure, and to use it accordingly. Those who use their personal inner treasures in everyday work have the true «Treasure» Experience. In today’s workplace,  it is so important that each individual optimally fits the Job, the Leader, the Team and the Company to create what everybody wants:

Productivity AND Happiness.

Exceptionally successful companies and organisations have always given equal weight to an individual‘s SoftFactors (individual competence/social competence) and HardFactors (professional competence/methodological competence).

However, in general, it’s the HardFactors that are used as the main criteria in personnel selection. The reason being that  SoftFactors are often difficult to identify and describe.

As a result, employees fulfil the functional criteria of the job but achieve little fulfilment within themselves. They are far from their «Treasure» Experience. After a short period, motivation and commitment typically decline, and no one knows why.

Productivity AND Happiness drop dramatically due to the lack of «Treasure» Experience. Commitment and performance erode, negatively impacting both the company’s revenue  and individual’s quality of life. Neither the individual, nor the Team, nor the Company reach their potential productivity.

The downwards spiral of lack of success and lack of recognition continues steadily. Those who can, leave the organisation which further accelerates the downward movement of company morale. In this situation, it is extremely difficult for any organisation to attract new, motivated people.

To achieve what everybody wants: Productivity AND Happiness, it is necessary for each individual to learn about, understand and use their personal Resources and Talents. This creates the rewarding and fulfilling «Treasure» Experience.

Finding and using a person’s inner Treasure is described in a wonderfully understandable way in the world’s all-time top-selling novella by Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist.

In this story, the Andalusian shepherd Santiago dreams of finding treasure near the Egyptian pyramids. To find it, he sells his sheep and sets out on the torturous journey through North Africa. Never giving up, he reaches Egypt after a month-long adventurous trip. At the pyramids, he meets the alchemist, a mysterious sage, who reveals to him that the treasure is in a distant land called Andalusia, under the ruins of an old church – exactly where Santiago had always tended his sheep. Santiago sets off on the journey back, and once home, he grabs a shovel and digs. At the end of the story, he finds the treasure he has been dreaming of right under his feet.

This is exactly what happens to everyone: The personal Treasure is already there, but it is not immediately visible on the surface. It takes a shovel to discover it!

Once the Treasure is discovered, it is much easier to align the individual‘s Resources and Talents with the Job, the Leader, the Team and the Company. With this alignment comes the «Treasure» Experience, which leads to success for people and organisations. This is how we achieve what everybody wants:

Productivity AND Happiness.

«Everyone on earth has a treasure that awaits them»

What is a Treasure?

Treasure is a collection of precious things like gold coins and jewels – or Resources and Talents – that are hidden or lost.

When you find treasure, you guard it closely and care for it because it is special and brings great happiness.

When you call someone a treasure, it means they are very valuable to you.

«Mit treazrly steht zum ersten Mal ein volldigitales System zur Verfügung, das ALLEN Menschen einer Organisation nützt. Dieses kompakte System unterstützt alle wesentlichen Schritte in der neuen Arbeitswelt. Vom Finden der Passenden Person bis zur individuellen Entwicklung wird alles aktiv begleitet»

René Villiger
Head of HR
COFRA Holding AG

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