treazrly® enables people and organisations to quickly and effectively describe the individual Treasure of each person precisely, and to fit it to the specific role and environment – the Job, the Leader, the Team, and the Company. To achieve this, the treazrly Individual Fitting Model® is used.
The system is fully digital, easy to use and globally available. The annual subscription offers low costs and high benefits.
The SoftFactors System for personnel selection
The treazrly Individual Fitting System® provides a fully automated process for identifying and detailing SoftFactors. It solves the typical and persistent problem by quickly and effectively highlighting which Resources and Talents are needed. The system allows the precise alignment of SoftFactors of new and existing employees. It also enables all users to understand, activate and combine everyone’s SoftFactors.
Understand what you have and what you are looking for
- Evaluate SoftFactors per Job (JobCheck).
- Evaluate SoftFactors per Leader (LeaderCheck).
- Evaluate SoftFactors per Team (TeamCheck).
- Evaluate SoftFactors per Company (CompanyCheck).
Combining new and existing Resources and Talents
- Systematic alignment for Job, Leader, Team, and Company.
- Rapid connection of new personnel with the existing Team.
- Rapid activation, thanks to SoftFactors Learning.
Easy to get!
Easy to learn!
Easy to use!
Win-win for EVERYBODY.
Added benefit for the Company.
Saves time and money.
Brings joy!