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Our HOW is Individual Fitting

Building a successful working relationship requires two things, right from the start and for  the first 100 days.

The first is finding the right new Resources and Talents; the second is connecting these with the Resources and Talents already present in the company:

finding treasures. combining treasures.

Fitting the Job
Every Job requires a very specific mix of Resources and Talents. The treazrly JobCheck is used to identify which SoftFactors are essential for this specific role. In this way, the needs of the person are coordinated with the requirements of the Job.
Fitting the Leader
Every Leader has their own individual mix of Resources and Talents. The treazrly LeaderCheck evaluates how the SoftFactors of the team Leader and candidate can be optimally aligned.
Fitting the Team
Every Team has its own dynamics, based on the individual Resources and Talents of the team members. The treazrly TeamCheck balances the Team’s existing SoftFactors with the required SoftFactors from new candidates.
Fitting the Company
Every Company has its own specific culture. The treazrly CompanyCheck captures and describes this, enabling a new hire to quickly orientate themself and become part of the Company culture.

The treazrly Individual Fitting Model® enables the systematic alignment of SoftFactors.

Fitting the Job
For a person to be successful in a job, it is of enormous importance that their SoftFactors are suited to the Job. Only those who can optimally use  and contribute their individual Resources and Talents are truly productive and happy.

Fitting the Leader
For a person to be successful in a job, it is important to quickly establish a good mutual raport with the Leader. Only when both understand which SoftFactors are present is a productive enviornment created.

Fitting the Team
For a person to be successful in a job, it is essential that their SoftFactors are ideally combined with those of other team members. Only when commonalities and differences are actively recognised and used positively are Teams productive and happy.

Fitting the Company
For a person to be successful in a job, it is helpful if the Company’s culture is evident. In this way, the individual‘s SoftFactors can contribute to and be connected with the collective spirit.

Fitting the Job

Fitting the Leader

Fitting the Team

Fitting the Company

When people start to get to know each other at work, it‘s just like a first date.

A first date works out well when the two people can build up mutual understanding and trust. Once achieved, they want to know a bit more about each other.

Both want to find out what the other person likes to do and what they are good at. After that, both want to find out whether they would fit together, often because their differences complement each other‘s.

Once the two have found this common ground in each other, they extend the scope of interest to the people around them – their friends and family. After that, the extended environment is of interest as well.

With the treazrly Individual Fitting Model®, things that happen naturally on a first date also become possible in the working world: Fitting the Job, the Leader, the Team and the Company.

It’s like a First Date

«Mit treazrly steht zum ersten Mal ein volldigitales System zur Verfügung, das ALLEN Menschen einer Organisation nützt. Dieses kompakte System unterstützt alle wesentlichen Schritte in der neuen Arbeitswelt. Vom Finden der Passenden Person bis zur individuellen Entwicklung wird alles aktiv begleitet»

René Villiger
Head of HR
COFRA Holding AG

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